FOS11: Objectives
The aim of FoS11 is to train and enable young environmental engineers, to “work with and for society” by contributing to United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in an informed, innovative, socially inclusive, holistic, as well as critical manner, at all levels of economic development and worldwide. FoS11 gives insights into Nexus approach and how it is applied in theory and in practice. It looks at the transdisciplinary interlinkages between sectors such as water, energy and food as well as other sectors such as solid waste and transportation, and why these interlinkages are important for the field of environmental engineering as well as other fields. Topics that are discussed include integral planning of land and water resources, water reclamation with recovery of resources such as energy and nutrients, the role of green infrastructure, and solid waste management as key opportunities for natural resources conservation and climate action. Within this context potential synergy opportunities between climate change mitigation and adaptation strategies and measures are particularly highlighted. FoS11 further aims to build a strong link between environmental engineering and the social sciences, to equip students to work effectively in the real world, by discussing social, institutional, legal, political, and economic aspects of applying the Nexus approach in practice. It aims to support students in developing relevant skills that are important for their future careers as “Nexus managers” such as stakeholder engagement, responsible governance, environmental and climate politics, resource economics and cost-benefit analysis for Nexus projects, as well as entrepreneurship, communication, team work and project management.
FoS11 also gives insights into how the Nexus approach is embedded in ongoing Nexus research projects at TUM, and suggests potential study project and master thesis topics to deepen students’ knowledge on the Nexus topic. With this, FoS11 gives students the opportunity to learn about a broad concept and acquire specific knowledge and skills on it to be able to apply the Nexus approach in the real world, where it is urgently needed.