Chair of Urban Water Systems Engineering (Prof. Drewes)
The Chair of Urban Water Systems Engineering is active in the fields of water supply, stormwater management, wastewater treatment and water reuse. Our research activities address structures for water supply, sewers and treatment plants. Regarding optimization, a fundamental knowledge of underlying physical and biochemical processes is imperative. These complex issues require fundamental as well as practice-oriented research. Our interdisciplinary team is involved in analysis of transport and reaction mechanisms, simulation, process control of traditional as well as emerging contaminants.
Chair of Hydrology and River Basin Management (Prof. Disse)
Research areas at the Chair of Hydrology and River Basin Management are: Water and solute transport in rural areas; Flood forecasting in mountain areas; Massmovement in alpine areas; Water and land management.
Professorship for Geothermal Technologies (Prof. Drews)
At the Department of Geothermal Technologies, we focus on the safe and sustainable use of deep waters for heat and power generation (deep geothermal energy; >400 m below the earth's surface) by investigating geological and physical processes in the upper earth's crust and their influence on the exploration, development and extraction of the geothermal resource.
Chair of Hydrogeology (Prof. Einsiedl)
Traditionally Hydrogeology deals with the distribution and movement of the “Blue Gold” below the surface. Over the last decades it has been clearly demonstrated that groundwater represents a complex ecosystem from which humans benefit. The use of near surface and deep geothermal energy is one of these new promising groundwater ecosystem services. Another ecosystem service represents the storage of clean water in aquifers over decades and centuries.
Chair of Analytical Chemistry (Prof. Elsner)
We cover a broad spectrum of analytical methods and measurement techniques for Chemistry, Geology, Physics, Biology and Chemical Engineering. New methods are pushed forward from principles testing to commercializable prototypes and reagents. The main research topics are nanoparticles, laser spectroscopy, Raman microspectroscopy, microarray technology, hydrogeology and bioanalytics. Furthermore, the institute fulfills its examing and consulting tasks through exploration and utilization of drinking, processed, thermal and mineral water.
Chair of Aquatic Systems Biology (Prof. Geist)
Research in the field of ‘Aquatic Systems Biology’ addresses the following core questions: What governs the productivity and biodiversity distribution in aquatic ecosystems? How and to what extent do natural and anthropogenic factors (e.g. extinction events or invasions of neobiota) affect the functioning of these systems? How can effective strategies for aquatic biodiversity conservation be developed which consider both ecological and genetic processes?
Chair of Soil Science (Prof. Kögel-Knabner)
Soil is the focal and connecting link between the information, matter and energy cycles of the hydrogeosphere and the atmosphere. Soil organic matter, clay sized particles and iron oxides are the most important reactants in soils building a complex physico-chemical interface. Beside the quality and quantity of the reactants, their spatial distribution and interaction affect the biogeochemical processes which are the driving forces of key ecosystem functions including carbon cycling, plant productivity and water quality. These processes are active across many spatial scales ranging from the molecular level, taking place on nano- to micrometers, to the pedon and landscape level, acting on meters to kilometres. The major challenges are to identify the factors controlling the architecture of biogeochemical interfaces, to link the processes operative at the individual molecular and/or organism scale to the phenomena active at the aggregate scale in a general mechanistic framework.
Research Department Ecology and Ecosystem Management (Prof. Kollmann)
The mission of the Research Department Ecology and Ecosystem Management is to address current environmental challenges by close collaboration between stakeholders and scientific experts. The research focus is on fundamental factors controlling ecosystem processes, biodiversity dynamics, climate change, air pollution and the human environment in terrestrial and aquatic systems.
Chair of Hydromechanics (Prof. Manhart)
Within the Working Group Hydromechanics at the Technische Universität München, Faculty of Engineering and Surveying, we investigate the flow regimes of fluids.Our own laboratory and high-performance computers enable us to conduct customised experiments as well as challenging numerical simulations. Command of a variety of techniques leads to goal-oriented adaptions to the particular requirement profile and ensures the validity of the results. At the same time we consider and apply the latest accepted scientific methods and approaches, which makes us a competent partner in the field of complex fluid dynamics problems.
Department of Hydraulic Engineering and Water Resources Management (Prof. Rüther)
The research areas at the Chair of Hydraulic Engineering and Water Resources Management are: Flood modeling; Cavitation; Shaft power plant; Tools
Chair Group Agricultural Production and Resource Economics (Prof. Sauer)
The chair for agricultural production and resource economics in principal is set up to perform microeconomic analysis at the level of business assessments. More specifically, the chair covers the following strategic research areas: productivity, efficiency and farm economics – innovation, technology and risk – markets, prices and supply chain management – life science economics and biotechnology – agricultural ecosystems, greenhouse gas emissions, biodiversity, sustainability and bio-economic modeling – rural development and food security.
Bavarian School of Public Policy
The Bavarian School of Political Science (HfP), founded in 1950, attracts national and international students. As a public corporation, it is affiliated with the Technical University Munich and will offer interdisciplinary studies in Political Science.
Research Group Water Systems Technology
Water systems technology is focusing on the interface of water and environment with a special emphasis on the needs of the food industry. Within this context a wide spectrum of specific issues (drinking water, waste water, process engineering, microbiology, water as food, sensory) is studied in the framework of research projects. Due to many years of experience in the field of water and environment and an interdisciplinary composition of the research group, a well-founded expert knowledge exists to handle pressing questions of water systems technology.